an awkward, stubborn human pet who lives for her Maker, and making her own life difficult.

...coming to you live in amazing Technicolor; with all the pouting, happiness, struggle and ironic amusements that my derpy little self can share.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get Up and Go, Got Up and Went

   Well, today is our weekly dinner, and i have no drive to clean. i'm feeling better, but otherwise, would rather just sit in old comfy clothes, and not shower. But instead, i have to get my energy up to clean Our filthy kitchen, (which is the state it has been in for a week. i cannot believe Syr let me let it go!) the bathroom, shave, shower, lotion my self up, and wear something nice. i'm pretty sure Syr has let the house go like She has since neither one of Us has felt healthy enough to tackle it. But while She is at church, my job is to clean, not slack. But oh man, i wanna slack. 
   i am considering asking some new friends if they would like to read my blog. Although i am not sure about one or two of them. i know there are a few who would find it fascinating, but knowing that they wish to covet me away from Syr with half serious, half joking proposals, i am not sure they are the ones i want reading this. 
   There are a couple others i know would find it fascinating, but they badly want to be a part of Syr's and mine's world. And even though that is humbling and sweet, Syr and i are strictly monogamous. That means not only do we love only each other, it means i only serve my Syr, and She only plays with me. 
   These friends in particular mean a lot to me; i value their opinions, and i value their gentle hearts. i think i need to talk to Syr and see what She thinks. i am always dying for feedback. 
   Yesterday i ate my words-again. i insisted all day that i could provide Syr with a luscious, slow blow job to blow Her mind. i insisted i could fool around and have sex. Syr, from first thing in the morning, said "No! you're sick, you can't play or have sex!" Oh, but my little heart didn't want to hear that. 
   After pushing and teasing, and pestering Her all day, after dinner She finally said "Ok, now you can give me that blow job. Let's head to bed." Excitedly, i jumped on the bed, and settled between her legs. With my head bowed, that's when it began: sniff. sniff, sniff, sniffff. i looked up at Her with a frustrated scowl. And my Syr began to laugh. "What's wrong, little bear?" She asked. i dropped my head against Her stomach, and groaned my protest. i so wanted to be right!
   So instead we ended up talking a bit, and i read Syr a H.P. Lovecraft story aloud, since She was having trouble reading and concentrating on Her own book. And in the end, when i finally fell asleep, i knew it was a good thing i hadn't fooled around. As much as i didn't care for the facts, i knew it would have set me back again further. Sigh. i wish this damn cold were gone. i wanna get on with life, and better yet, life in a spotless house! Grrr!

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